Amateur Radio Training
General Class - 2023-2027 FCC Syllabus Training Course - Commencing Friday 20th October 2023, at 8:30 pm. To register use the following link: Training Registration
Zoom Link:
Playlist of recorded sessions for the Technican Class (Level 1) and the General Class (Levle 2) can be found below.
You can view these YouTube videos on your SmartTV by searching for "9Y4R or 9Z4RG".
The complete playlist of recorded sessions for the Technician Class level can be accessed at
All handouts for the Technician Class level can be accessed at
All handouts for the Technician Class level can be accessed at
The complete playlist of recorded sessions for the General Class level can be accessed at
All handouts for the Technician Class level can be accessed at
All handouts for the Technician Class level can be accessed at
Note: Question pools expire every 4 years. Be sure to use the latest version of the question pool for the exam you are about to take.